Sleep Apnea Quiz
Read the following statements. If three or more are true for you, you could be showing signs of a sleep disorder. Discuss this with your physician to see if you should have a sleep study performed.
- I’ve been told that I snore.
- I’ve been told that I stop breathing while I sleep, although I don’t remember this when I wake up.
- I have high blood pressure.
- I am irritable.
- I am gaining weight.
- I sweat excessively during the night.
- I have noticed my heart pounding or beating irregularly during the night.
- I get morning headaches.
- I have trouble sleeping when I get a cold.
- I suddenly wake up gasping for breath during the night.
- I am overweight.
- I seem to be losing my sex drive.
- I feel sleepy during the day even though I slept through the night.
For more information on the JCH Sleep Disorder Center, call us at 618-498-8394.