Medicare Annual Wellness Visits
If you’ve had Medicare Part B for longer than 12 months, you can get this wellness visit at no out of pocket cost once every 12 months.
During the visit, you will be asked the questions on the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) to help develop you plan. The HRA can be downloaded here and brought to the visit, or it can be completed at the visit.
Included in this visit is:
- A review of your medical and family history
- Developing and updating a list of current providers and prescriptions
- Height, weight, blood pressure and other routine measurements
- Detection of any cognitive impairment
- A list of risk factors and treatment options for you
- A screening schedule (like a checklist) for appropriate preventative services
- Details about coverage for screenings, shots and other preventive service
To schedule this free visit, please call (618) 498-2273.