Pricing Transparency Policy

Pricing Transparency Policy


It is the policy of Jersey Community Hospital to allow the public access to Jersey Community Hospital’s standard charges for services obtained.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure timely and accurate responses to patient requests for the list of standard charges for services rendered by Jersey Community Hospital, consistent with business needs and applicable law.


As used in this policy:

A. Actual charge – means the amount charged to a specific patient, based on the type of care provided, which may vary from patient to patient, depending on complications and differences in treatment provided due to a specific patient’s health.

B. Jersey Community Hospital standard charge – means the standard charge for diagnosis-related groups and the uniform amounts set before any discounts and used as the starting point for all bills, as required by the federal government. A standard charge is the charge for care without complications.


A. General Information

1. Actual charges are based on the type of care provided to a specific patient. Therefore, actual charges will differ from Jersey Community Hospital standard charges.

2. Actual charges may be different for specific patients due to medical condition, length of time spent in surgery or recovery, necessary specific equipment, supplies or medication, complications requiring unanticipated procedures or other treatment ordered by the practitioner.

3. Jersey Community Hospital charges are separate and distinct from practitioners’ charges. In certain instances practitioners, who furnish services to patients during their admission may be independent contractors who are not agents or employees of Jersey Community Hospital. Patients should be informed that emergency room physicians, radiologists, pathologists, etc., who render professional services, bill and collect independently for their services. Patients understand that a practitioner’s charges and/or bill will be separate and apart from the Jersey Community Hospital billing and collections, even if the hospital bills on the practitioner’s behalf.

B. Estimates/Financial Assistance

1. Direct patients with health insurance to contact their health plan for specific financial obligations.

2. Provide uninsured patients information related to the Jersey Community Hospital financial assistance policy, the Jersey Community Hospital Uninsured Patient Discount Act and any other discounts (e.g. prompt pay) that could be applied. Also, direct patients without insurance to hospital-based Financial Counselors to determine if there are discounts available (e.g., Jersey Community Hospital Financial Assistance, prompt pay, etc.) that could result in care being free or at a greatly reduced price.

3. Patients with requests for specific price estimates should be directed to a Patient Counselor located in Jersey Community Hospital.

C. Time/Location to Obtain Charges

The public may obtain Jersey Community Hospital standard charges by calling (618) 498-8326 Monday through Friday from 8:00am-4:30pm. Designated representatives from Patient Financial Services will be available during these hours to assist the public with accessing the information. The information will be made available verbally in person, by phone, or in writing if requested.
